13th. November 2016 - Copenhagen
Visibility Promotes Understanding!
The "little Synagogue" - (Kleine Synagogue) is a former synagogue in the Thuringian state capital Erfurt/Germany. It is located in the old town on the Gera river bank behind the town hall and since 1993 it has been used as a cultural centre. We are currently exploring the possibility of a photo exhibition with my work on the topic "Islam in Europe" for March 2017 or a bit later.
To launch an "Islam in Europe" expo in this venue sends a strong message of the power of inter-faith dialogue. I hope it succeeds.
Sichtbarkeit fördert das Verstehen!
Die "Kleine Synagoge" ist die ehemalige Synagoge in der thüringischen Landeshauptstadt Erfurt. Diese befindet sich in der Altstadt direkt an der Gera hinter dem Rathaus und wird seit 1993 als Kulturzentrum genutzt. Zurzeit überlegen wir Möglichkeiten für eine Fotoausstellung mit meiner Arbeit zum Thema "Islam in Europa" für März 2017 oder etwas später. Eine Ausstellung mit diesem Thema an diesem Ort, hat eine starke Signalwirkung für den Dialog zwischen den Glaubensrichtungen. Ich hoffe es klappt.

May 16th 2016 - Copenhagen
Faith meets Faith is a MUMIN_DOX project focusing on the positive force religion can be both in society and an individual's life. This is a run-up video for a larger project where men and women from different Faiths come together and share their views on life as a believer. Film screening during the photo exhibition in Warsaw, Poland May/ June 2016. MUMIN is a film studio based in Scandinavia, established in 2016. For more about Faith meets faith visit www.mumindox.com.

Click to view the "Faith meets Faith" U Tube Video

19 December 2015 - Warsaw/Poland
Advance notice of Ahmed's upcoming exhibition in Warsaw, Poland, 10-16 April 2016.

04 July 2015 - Rabat/Morocco
Ahmed Krausen has been invited to Rabat by the Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger to present this photo project. It was a great pleasure to meet the representatives and the Director Mr. Abdellah Boussouf. The CCME is strongly interested in this project. It was discussed details about a travel exhibition through Europe and considered long term cooperation against extremism.

June 25th 2015 - "The Orient In Their Arts" 
A Series of Documentary films,written and directed by Mohamed Kenawi.Produced by Domino Film for Al Jazeera Network.
"Photographing Islam in Europe" Ahmed Krausen
Please see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUCqQGj7KUg

May 23th 2015 - "Islam in Europe" Lecture.
A lecture by Ahmed Krausen on "Islam in Europe" at a meeting of Muslims in northern Germany in Eckernförde / Gut Ludwigsburg, Germany.

March 24th 2015 - Photographer captures the essence of Islam in Europe.
An interview by the British journalist and digital artist Hatiq Mohammed with Ahmed Krausen for the Muslim magazine "Aquila Style", which is based in Singapore. In this interview Ahmed talks about, among other things, the importance of photography for him -the camera has been the most important tool on his spiritual way to Islam- and about the difficulties of being a Muslim artist. Please read here.

December 1st 2014 - United Arab Emirates.
10 photographs of Ahmed Krausen's works are part of the permanent exhibition in the Abu Bakr Faith Gallery of the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization, United Arab Emirates and they make an important educational addition to the displays.

November 28th 2014 - Conference: "Mosques In Europe: Faith Aesthetics And Intercultural Encounters In The Public Space" - Berlin
Place: Palais am Festungsgraben, Am Festungsgraben 1, 10117 Berlin. Germany.
Date November 28th. 2014 7.00 pm.
Introductory lecture by:
Nilüfer Göle, Professor of Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociale, Paris, France.
Panel discussion with:
Emre Arolat, architect and partner of Emre Arolat Architect, Istanbul, Turkey: Alen Jasarevic, architect, Augsburg, Germany:
Ahmed Krausen, freelance photographer, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Presented by:
Fuat Keyman, director of the Istanbul Policy Centers, Turkey.
For further details in German and Turkish click here.

October 4th-5th 2014 - Copenhagen/Malmö
"The Orient In Their Arts" is a film documentary project by Mohamed Kenawi/ Domino Film/Rome, in cooperation with Al-Jazeera TV. Luigi Verzelli, cameraman/Rome and Bey Frasheri assistant/Tirana. The 15 dedicated European artists, dealing with the Islamic art include Ahmed Krausen.

July 4th 2014 - Islam Rasa Skandinavia
- Indonesia
The movie of Trans 7 (Islam Rasa Skandinavia) that was shot in April in Copenhagen was shown in Indonesia on
July 4th 2014.
Please watch the video here.

June 19th. 2014 - Official Opening Of The Grand Mosque - Copenhagen
A short and constructive meeting with the Minister for Religious Affairs of Qatar HE Dr. Ghaith bin Mubarak Al Kuwari during the official opening of the grand mosque in Copenhagen.

October 29-31st 2013 - MOCAfest - London
Ahmed Krausen talking about the power of photography in his workshop at the Mocafest (28 - 31 October 2013) in London.

October 29-31st 2013 - MOCAfest - London
Ahmed Krausen is participating as an exhibiting artist photographer in the MOCAfest, the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) Foundation's arts festival, in London.

October 5th 2013 - "Islam in Europe" Lecture - Ravenna,Italy
A lecture by Ahmed Krausen on "Islam in Europe" at the official opening of the new mosque in Ravenna, Italy.

May 2013 - Mosques in Europe - Osnabrück University, Germany
The 21. May 2013 Ahmed Krausen had a wonderful meeting in Copenhagen with Brother Jörn Ballnus from the Chair for Islamic Religious Education at Osnabrück University, Germany. During the meeting we discussed details of my upcoming exhibition in September 2013 about Mosques in Europe at the campus of the university and considered a long-term cooperation.

"Islam it's Also Our History" - Fourteen centuries of interaction between Europe and the Muslim World
In the context of difficult relations with Islam in Europe and beyond its borders; It is urgent to work to learn to understand each other and the foundations of their civilisations. Fear feeds on ignorance, knowledge allows a meeting of minds. The "Islam it's Also Our History" project looks at the links between two civilizations, Islam and Europe. Its content is complex, its goal is simple: show Europeans that fourteen centuries of Islam is also their history. In pursuit of this goal, Tempora is formed by partners from eight European countries pooling their knowledge, expertise and experience to create a wide range of activities including the pivotal exhibition.
Four associate partners will support the project with specific contributions:
One of these, L'association CULTURES, based in Copenhagen will provide the work of Danish photographer Eckhard Ahmed Krausen, leading several years of work on Muslims in Europe. It features an exceptional photographic documentation of islam in Europe including (60 mosques contemporary architecture and 250 historical photographs in conjuction with the University of Havard) and 300 portraits of Muslims living in Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Spain. The goal of this project is to show the diversity of Muslims in Europe and how islam is interpreted in the public space. The project, affiliated with the "Pluralism" project of University of Havard.
To view the French language Exhibition booklet (7.8mb) please which includes a number of photographs from my collection please click here.
Eckhard Ahmed Krausen's images in the booklet are:
- Page no 20 all images except Musulmane d'Europe, pratiquante et non voilée, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2011:
Page no 22 all images except Roula Safar, mezzo-soprano, passeuse entre les cultures d'orient d'occident,d'hier et d'aujourd'hui:
Page no 23 one photo La mosquée de Penzberg, Allemagne, 2011architecte Alen Jasarevic:

October 2012: Ahmed Krausen is now associate partner of the exhibition project "Islam it's also our history"
Fourteen centuries of relations between Europe and the Muslim World at Bruxelles based Museum of Europe. This project is in cooperation with Tempora/Musée de l'Europe and The European Union

The New Mosque Project In Cambridge, England

Eco-Mosque is Another Powerful Symbol of Islamic Ingenuity

Strasbourg, 08. April 2010 - "Bradford's Madni mosque wins 'Europe's most beautiful minaret' title
Bradford's Madni mosque, in West Yorkshire, England, was chosen from 54 others to win the title of "Europe's most beautiful minaret 2010" the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
The second prize was: Stockholmsmoskeen, Stockholm, Sweden and the third prize: Centro Islamic Culturale D'Italia, Rome, Italy.
Launched by COJEP International and EMISCO (European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion) with the support of Council of Europe, ISESCO and Organisation of the Islamic Conference; this initiative of a contest to select the most beautiful existing minaret in Europe through a photographic competition.
As official photographer of the competition and member of the Jury Committee, the photographer Eckhard Ahmed Krausen took a series of 54 photographs of mosques across 13 countries in Europe. Only those minarets under 50 years of age were eligible for the contest.

For latest news items see News.